How Estrogen Affects The Body

While estrogen is needed for healthy functioning, too much of it has a negative impact on a woman’s cardiovascular system. It promotes blood clots in the lungs, increases .........

While estrogen is needed for healthy functioning, too much of it has a negative impact on a woman’s cardiovascular system. It promotes blood clots in the lungs, increases the risk of heart attack, contributes to blood vessel spasms, elevates blood pressure, and lowers the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity. It is therefore not surprising that estrogen
replacement therapy, in which women are given high levels of synthetic estrogen, has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Another role of estrogen is to stimulate cell growth. Therefore, when taken in excess, estrogen causes excessive cell growth and increases the risk of certain types of cancer, including breast cancer.

Excess estrogen is also associated with other health problems that, while less dangerous, are uncomfortable and potentially debilitating, such as the water retention that many women experience as bloating and weight gain, and an increase in gall bladder problems. It also causes a loss of zinc, a mineral vital to the repair of soft tissue. Low zinc levels make it more
difficult to recover from injury and affect immune function, making people more susceptible to colds and flu.

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