How Do I Get Women To Take The Initiative And Pick Me Up?

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Very often students ask about approaching women at work or ask about places where it will not be good to pick up women. If you don’t want to earn a bad name (so called reputation) it would be good to take an alternative way. A man can reverse the cards, ie he can make a woman pick him up if he uses smart flirting techniques. The means I am talking about is eye contact and artificial barriers which will get women to take the initiative.

Using this technique we are showing our unsure or cautious interest. We are as if evaluating if the woman you are eyeing suits to your expectations. This is a great way to flirt and attract women. When you look at a woman or interact with her think like this, “She seems good but is she good enough for me?”. Your body language should reflect your thinking. And you will surely see women responding positively to you. They will make efforts to quality to your standards so that you take more interest in her.

Good flirting you to be an expert at eye contact. Some tips for flirting through eye contact are given below:

•  If you know that a woman is positive to you or you both are having fun in each other’s company be sure to make eye contact always with her. This will inspire her to do more of what you like.

•  As time progresses and your relationship strengthens follow the 70/30 rule. This says that 70% of the time you should have an eye contact with her and remaining you should not do so. This will make the woman comfortable with you and the stage for seduction will be set.

•  If you crack some jokes or do something hilarious never make an eye contact. In this way you are displaying confidence and show that you don’t need her consent to crack such type of jokes.

•  If you are touching her, don’t be too much bent on making an eye contact. This will tell her that you are not confident and want her consent for you holding her.

•  If you are talking to a group for the first time, make sure you are not making eye contact with only one or few of the members rather give them equal share of your eye contact. This will make all the women in the group to talk to you. But be cautious not to show that you have fallen for any particular person in the group.

•  Never try to make eye contact with a woman so that she catches it. She should be doing that more than you doing it. Don’t get focused on one aspect very much. Flirting should always be fun filled and thrilling.

Once you follow these tips and master them, you will see a great frequency of fun between you and your woman. Now is the point to erect some pseudo barriers, so that she is challenged to overcome or shoot them down.

Some instances of pseudo barriers you can erect. I have a friend who is a professional DJ and hosts parties. He comes across a lot of pretty women, but doesn’t want to jeopardize his profession too. His way of showing interest is “Hey. I confess that you are good. But don’t get me into trouble lest I lose my job”

Or, if a hot lady comes to you and requests a song you could say, “ Initially I thought you are hot, but when you asked for this song, I thought you could do better?” Remember, this is flirting and has to be fun filled, never serious.

In a different work environment you could say,” You are really cute. But the good thing is that we are colleagues otherwise we would be a getting into a lot of trouble ourselves.” Say this and relax and she will take all the efforts so as the get into some kind of trouble involving you.

The point to note is that these are pseudo barriers and for you to have any chance to succeed you must get the woman attracted to you. This can be accomplished if you are good at flirting. Once this is done, the so called barriers will inspire the woman to take the initiative. So the crux is, first get the woman playful with your flirting and then put up those barriers – remembers these are false ones. You will amazed at how fast things will move in your favor from then on.

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