How Can Sleeping Help You Lose Weight?

Weight issues can be directly liked to your sleeping patterns and habits.

If you are having trouble losing weight and keeping it off, it could be down to your sleeping patterns! Do not readjust your screen, what you are reading is correct, you can lose more weight by having a better sleeping pattern and a specific amount of sleep per night, and it has been proven by Scientists!

There are many reasons why you may not be getting a great night’s sleep, and one of those could be your mattress. Buying a new mattress, either soft or hard, depending on your preference and needs, could be the secret to a better night’s sleep. Also, you should try reading before bed, removing all distractions, such as the T.V and DVD player, computers, laptops and any other things that are considered to ruin the “Feng Shui” of a room. Make sure the pathway between the bed and door is clear. You may awake, but still be half asleep when you get up to go the look at night, but falling over a pair of boots is guaranteed to wake you up with a bang!

Being tired during the day means that you do not do half the things you say you are going to. How many times have you promised yourself that you would go to the gym after work, but struggle to get through your day at work, without a thousand cups of coffee, let alone manage to do an hours work out at the end of it? A great night’s sleep will mean that you feel more alert, not only when you first wake up, but for longer throughout your day, and you will have more energy. Therefore, you will be able to go to the gym after work, and not ignore it for another night because you are “shattered!”

Another reason why this is good, the exercise I mean, is because exercise helps to combat stress, and stress is one of the main factors while we are kept awake at night. So, changing your room around, or purchasing a new mattress will mean a better nights sleep, having the energy to exercise throughout the day, and then reduced stress levels, making it easier and easier to sleep, and have a good nights rest.

Scientists have proven that the less sleep you manage to get a night massively increases the risk of becoming overweight. For those that only manage four or less hours of sleep per day are at a 40% higher chance of becoming obese, and that number drops, rather dramatically to 23% for those that manage to get six hours of sleep per night. These scientists have noticed a pattern to lack of sleep and appetite and eating patterns. Less sleep means less energy, and it is at this point that you are likely to eat high fat and sugary foods such as chocolate and other snacks to help you get through the day.

So, if you are looking to lose weight, perhaps you should look at the patterns you have been keeping in the bedroom! Buy a new mattress, or try reading before bed, try to fit in more exercise and you may find that the weight falls off without you even realizing!

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