History Of Plastic Surgery

The history of plastic surgery commenced more than 4000 years before. But the use of reconstructive surgery was done around 800 BC in India . The term plastic is obtained from the Greek word known as ‘plastikos’ which refers ‘to give form’ or ‘to mold’. Some of the historians outlined the basics of plastic surgery in the Sanskrit manuscripts of prehistoric India and the untimely papyri in Egypt .

These manuscripts depict the descriptions about the ear, nose and lip restorations using procedures which vary from pedicle waves to liberated autogenous skin grafts. After that, Rhinoplastik was not introduced by Von Graefe till 1818 and then slowly and slowly it was developed to the present day.

The American medical society supports reconstructive surgery in the end of 19 th century and the history of plastic surgery began in the US . Dr. John Peter Mettauer was the first foremost American surgeon to mark the history of plastic surgery. In 1827, he operated the first cleft palate operation using the instruments which are designed by him and created the history in the North America in the field of plastic surgery.

World War I also plays an important part in the history of plastic surgery. This war leaves the severe facial burns and wounds and these cases were presented to the physicians which modified the history of plastic surgery. Present weapons produce the sternness and kinds of injuries that were considered as unique in the history of plastic surgery.

Several maximum medical abilities committed themselves completely discovering the history of plastic surgery and generating latest methods to take care of those men who are injured in the war. Then aesthetic surgery was developed in the past where the surgeons recognized the power of looks on the person’s achievement. In 1931, American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons were established and there was no comparison of this organization with other associations.

This institution got successful because of his good work like history of plastic surgery and the acknowledgment of the evolution by the American Board of Surgeons. The members of this organization produce the first eligibility exam in the ancient times in the US and other organizations also conduct various tests for enhancing the history and future of plastic surgery.

The current and famous history of plastic surgery commences in the year 1960 and 1970. Some of the plastic surgeons have won the Noble Prize for their great work and created the history in the field of plastic surgery. The past few years have carried the vast developments in the treatment and create alertness among the people.

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