Herbs For Men

Certain health issues such as prostate problems and erectile dysfunction (ED) are particular only to men. Most men aren’t overly concerned about their health until something goes wrong. If that sounds like you or someone you know, continue reading.

Herbs are a great complement to traditional medicine because they allow the body to heal itself and don’t have a lot of harmful side effects. If you take them before you have a problem, herbs can be great preventatives.

Male Menopause

The male version of menopause is not nearly as drastic as the female version is. Nevertheless, male menopause is very real. Some time during middle age, hormone levels will drop. When this happens a man will become cranky, moody, and generally depressed.

Good herbs for this condition are:

• Siberian ginseng - helps cope with stress.
• Wild Yam – good source of progesterone.
• Black Cohosh – good for depression and anxiety.
• Saw Palmetto - reduces the amount of testosterone which helps fight prostate enlargement.

Erectile Dysfunction

We know from the large number of men using Viagra that ED is a big problem. If you are experiencing problems in this area, a medical checkup by your physician is a good idea. Most cases of ED are caused by an underlying problem such as hormonal imbalances, heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension. You should also evaluate your lifestyle and dietary habits. You may need to cut back on alcohol consumption and fatty foods. Stress can also be a factor. If this is the case, you may benefit from alternative therapies such as massage, meditation, or yoga.

Helpful herbs for this condition are:

• Fava beans - a good source of the compound L-dopa.
• Ginkgo biloba is known to improve blood flow.
• Yohimbe (African tree bark) – you can ask your doctor for a prescription.

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)

The prostate is a small, chestnut-shaped gland that sits beneath the bladder. It is the passageway for both urine and semen. There are many prostate disorders, but the most common are Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) and Prostate Cancer. Most men over 50 will experience BPH. In this disorder the prostate enlarges, and blocks the flow of urine. Symptoms will be a weak urine stream, dribbling after urination, and frequent urination in small amounts. Prostate cancer is the most common type of male cancer. Like BPH, it occurs in middle aged men and causes urinary blockage. It can also cause blood in the urine and spread to other parts of the body.

A good choice of herbs for prostate health are:

• Saw palmetto - traditional herbal remedy for prostate problems.
• • Cat’s claw - enhances the immune system and has antibacterial properties.
• Goldenseal - fights bacteria and tones the mucous membranes.
• Oregano - antibacterial properties and helps fight infection.
• Pygeum - anti-inflammatory properties.

Keep in mind that any health problem has to be diagnosed by a doctor. An underlying issue such as diabetes or hypertension could be the source of your problems. However, herbal remedies can be a great way to complement your doctor’s treatment.

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