Healthy Dieting

Common myths in weight loss. The proper way of maintaining a healthy diet.

A dilemma that has for decades puzzled individuals of all ages - a healthy diet. What is it? It is a fact that even today with all of the weight loss programs available that the percentage of the population that suffer from obesity is increasingly higher than it has been in previous years.

There are several things that should be considered in a healthy diet. Age plays a large role, foods that are eaten, the amount of exercise even the beverages that are chosen. One thing is for certain there is no healthy quick way to lose weight! Avoiding the trendy diets that are for sale would be the first place to start. Diet Pills are a big no-no in attempting to maintain a healthy diet. Unless it is prescribed by a doctor staying away from these quick weight loss schemes is recommended.

Imagine the body to be a computer for just a moment. When starting from the beginning there is not a whole lot to work with other than this machine. Gradually you can make that computer do what you want. Any sudden changes can cause the computer to freeze up - go into a sort of shock. The body is the same way. The starvation diet will only send the body into a shock……one loses muscle - which is used to burn the calories, water - which when drunk later will only retain itself. The muscle although heavy helps in burning calories even when doing nothing. It is proven that the body panics when there is not ample calorie intake. It will change to the famine mode and begin to turn the muscle to fat and then store it.

There is a healthy way to maintain and properly lose unwanted weight.

First thing to be considered is age. Sally that is forty-two years old may need to intake nineteen hundred calories a day. While her girlfriend, Sue, can handle twenty-three hundred calories. Talking with a dietitian is the best way to find out what your calorie intake per day should be.

Foods that we choose to eat and amounts are a deciding factor as well. Historically the proper eating style was breakfast in the morning, lunch around noon and then dinner. Take a look at this antiquated style. Today they have proven that the healthy way to control the diet is eating five to six smaller meals. Eating those smaller meals at a slower pace is a good idea. The brain takes approximately twenty minutes to understand that it has proper nutrients. Avoid depriving your body of calories and nutrients it requires. People have the habit of substituting shakes for the foods their bodies really need. This too will cause additional shock and confusion to the system.

Another common myth in weight loss is drinking diet sodas as opposed to regular. Either way this will not help. Avoiding soda altogether is the best way - drink more water your body needs it! If you are used to drinking sodas, do not throw your system into unnecessary shock. Make it a gradual process. For example: if you are used to drinking four sodas a day maybe cut back to only two. Allow the changes to be realistic.

Lastly proper exercise should be noted. Take up a sport that is enjoyed by you and a friend or spouse. Maybe walking, a neighborhood baseball team or even swimming. These are all great ways to maintain a healthy diet. For those golfers try walking a little more, instead of lazing on the cart.

A healthy diet is important in maintaining the body. When making the change start today not tomorrow. Tomorrow seems to never come. And make the goals realistic. Avoiding the sudden change of quitting something altogether will only set you up for disappointment should you sneak just one and even failure.

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