Good Plastic Surgery

The foremost goal of every plastic surgeon is to perform the plastic surgery successfully. If the plastic surgery is successful, then this type of surgery is known as good plastic surgery. Good plastic surgery means the appearance of the patient is just like same as the patient wants and there is no need of another surgery while it is mostly performed in case of bad plastic surgery. There are various good candidates who pursue plastic surgery and they should be physically healthy. They all want to undergo plastic surgery just to alter the appearance of the face, to reduce the abdomen, to increase or decrease the size of the nose etc. If all these plastic surgeries are performed successfully, then the patient refers to them as good plastic surgeries. There are various types of good plastic surgery procedures and they are:-

Lip Augmentation

This plastic surgery procedure generates plumper and fuller lips and decreases fine wrinkles around the mouth. The surgeons also create such lips which should appear natural. The plastic surgeons make use of various kinds of fillers which are used in lip augmentation. This procedure includes various implants and injections. The following candidates are not considered as good for lip augmentation such as:-

• Any scarring of the lips
• Current cold sores
• Blood clotting problems
• Certain diseases like lupus or diabetes

This procedure contains some benefits but there are some risks and complications associated with this procedure such as allergic reaction to anesthesia, infection, bleeding and nerve damage.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation includes placing of a silicone bag under the chest and breast muscle and then the bag is filled with saline. The silicone bag enlarges the area of breast to provide a better contour, a fuller breast and more cleavage. There is insertion of implants behind the pectoralis main muscle or behind the tissue of breast thus raising the size of the breast. This procedure includes certain risks such as:-

• Asymmetry
• Capsule contracture
• Bleeding
• Infection
• Autoimmune disease
• Problems with mammography


Liposuction is considered as the most well known plastic surgery worldwide. This procedure includes ultrasonic liposculpture and liposculpture. This procedure enables the plastic surgeons to eliminate excess amounts of fat. The good candidates for liposuction plastic surgery are a person of slight or average weight and are in good health. This procedure includes some cosmetic risks such as change in skin texture and skin pigmentation.

Cheek and Chin Implants

This type of plastic surgical procedure is mostly performed in Hollywood as the surgeons make the face less tired and more youthful. Both these implants are performed to develop the features of the face involving the jaw line or cheeks. Through this procedure, the surgeon aesthetically develops the facial contours.


There are various other good plastic surgery procedures such as eyelid plastic surgery, brow lift plastic surgery and many more. To achieve good results, one should pursue plastic surgery from the well qualified plastic surgeon.

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