Golden Rule Of Flirting

Flirting is a game. It is a mental game. And how you feel about flirting is the key to your flirting success.

Flirting doesn't require great logic, only diligence.

You need to overcome one basic human emotion to be successful in flirting.


Hurt from the past. Imagined hurts in the future. Even hearing, reading, reading about, seeing, and making assumptions about hurt that others have sustained. All these things keep us from moving ahead with our own flirting excursions.

Negative memories inhibit future relationships. Do yourself a favour by balancing these out of your mind.

The golden rule of flirting:

Do unto potential flirting partners as you would have them do unto you --- no matter what you think they've already done unto you.

Leave past romantic partners and current hurts out of your flirting plan. Stop trying to get back at them, By basing your flirting attitude soley on how successfully you are in treating others, your aura of attractiveness and invisible magnetism will expand.

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