Four Great Ways For Women To Attract Men

Attracting men is always a tricky business. Even with numerous ways for women to attract men, the ultimate way of attracting men like flies still remains one of the world's greatest mysteries. But then again, there are still some [techniques to seduce a man] that will surely have him going gaga over you.

• Be positive. This is more than just staring at the mirror and singing “Im So Pretty” over and over again. Don't dwell too much on the negativities like worrying over your hair too much, or your clothes or how hellish your week was or worse, badmouthing your loser ex-boyfriend – this definitely zeroes out your potential of ever seeing the guy again.

Men are attracted to women who seem to enjoy life and wouldn't make them feel like dating you is a chore – like they have to play therapist or something. Being positive gives you this certain glow and this chirp in your voice which will make your man feel like you're having a great time with him and not reminding you of your boss who piled you up with work today.

• Look attractive. This ranks as one of the ultimate ways for women to attract men. No, dressing up slutty can not pass for one of the techniques to seduce a man, but don't go hiding in those worn out jeans either. Show your feminine flair while showing off your curves tastefully. A little black dress, or a skirt (not too skimpy though) can go a long way. Accessories can also do wonders in uplifting your style, and in turning men's heads.

• Go easy on the make-up – guys want a goddess, not a clown. Lip gloss, a sweep of tint on the cheek and a dab of mascara are good enough. The natural make-up look always works its magical ways for women to attract men, since guys would want to see more of your face and natural assets than a mask-like pound of concealer and foundation.

But don't go too bare either, or three weeks of stress could show up on your face. Learn to play up your assets and tone down the flaws. Don't be too shy to ask littles sis or your friends how you are doing in the fashion department. Educate yourself.

• Your body language can signal something before you can even open your mouth. A smile is generally one of women's physical signals to attract men. It shows warmness and that the woman is interested – so men are just happy to oblige. Even from across a room, a smile is always the first thing a person sees.

The most typical among the smile techniques to seduce a man is to smile, look away, then return the gaze, give a half-smile, look down and finally make eye contact – which is as important as a smile as one of women's physical signals to attract men. This will definitely get men hooked like fish to bait.

Crossing your arms in front of you, avoiding eye contact or drumming your fingers can signal nervousness or that you're uninterested. So if you really mean to get a man, be conscious of these actions – you might be warding them off before they can even approach you.

Taking these sure-fire [ways for women to attract men] by heart can definitely take you a mile into the dating scene. You don't have to mope around the house on weekends watching re-runs – there's always someone waiting for you by the door, ready for a date.

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