Female Psychology And Seduction

Trying to seduce girl is one of the hardest things to do, especially if you have just met the girl. Girls are different from boys and they react in a completely different way. However, knowing some techniques of psychology can make things different for you. Women can be categorized into 3 different groups. These are known as the personality types. If you can pinpoint the correct personality type and talk to them accordingly, then bingo! You can seduce that girl.

The three categories tell us how they express themselves and how they view the world. These personality types will give us the information on how to approach them. Look out for the right cues that these personalities will give out. You would be able to differentiate between these personalities and let me tell you, it is not an easy thing to do. By doing this, you will be able to score and easily seduce the girls.

The Auditory Girls

These girls like to hear each and every description. If you are talking bout the fishing trip, then you would need to tell them how the river was flowing and whether there was a roar of water falling. What happened when your friend fell down the slope? How loud was the gurgle of the rushing water? All these events need to be told in very good narration or description with amplified sound. If you want to seduce this personality, you need to be loud and very descriptive. Just a small mention or small conversation will not do. They like to see a lot of theatrics present in your conversation. They like their men to be bold and confident and more audible than the rest.

Visual Girls

They like to see the visual aspect. With them, you need to demonstrate each and every thing visually. This means that if you say that the moon was shining very brightly. Point to the light and show her. They need to see everything in color or black and white to understand the conversation. When trying to seduce this personality, you need to be visually creative and give many gifts to them. They are happy to see many pictures. If they can visualize something, when you are having a conversation, then you know that you have got your girl.

Kinesthetic Girls

They understand more through touch. This means that you have to make them ‘feel’ the touches. If you are talking about smoothness, make them touch the smoothness of the glass to validate your point. They under feelings more than others. Say that “The tranquility on the beach was great”. They quickly connect to the words “feeling and touch”. This is quite a bonus since it would be easier to have a physical contact with these girls.

The problem is how to know which personality type a girl belongs to. You simply need to look out for the buzz words. The way she will describe an event or have a conversation with you will tell you her personality types.

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