Falling In Love With Your Best Friend

A best friend is a very special person. He or she is one with whom you have shared good times and bad, laughed endlessly at the silliest of jokes and quarreled as passionately like cats and dogs. In all probability, he or she will be the first person you will turn to when something goes wrong. A best friend is also one who’s always there to lend a sympathetic eye or shoulder to cry on.

Such unique is the rapport between best friends that when they are of the opposite sex, it is quite natural for both or one of them to sometimes start having romantic feelings, coupled with the desire to take things to the next level. But incase if it’s only one of them nurturing such feeling, what does he or she do? How does one effectively put the message across, yet taking care not to shock the other person, especially if he / she is totally clueless? That too, without harming the beautiful relationship.

How to Tell your Best Friend about Your Romantic Feelings for Him / Her

• First of all, do not be scared that your friendship will suffer. Incase the idea does not appeal to your best friend, let him / her know that you two can go back to being friends again. This decision may be difficult for you, but this is the only way to keep your friendship going smoothly.

• Tell your best friend about your romantic feelings for him / her at an appropriate time. Do not rush matters and give him / her time to decide. If you are lucky, the discussion may reveal that the feeling is mutual.

• Jot down what qualities you like in your best friend. Now, mention things that you may want or expect out of a romantic relationship between you two. Eventually, highlight the qualities that match. The result may be surprising.

• Before breaking the news to your best friend that you are having romantic feeling for him / her, start dropping hints by doing something unusual like going for candle light dinners, a stroll by the beach in evenings, etc.

• Discuss about your future, dreams and aspirations. This will help you analyze if your romantic feelings for your best friends is appropriate / justified.

• Unlike films, falling in love is generally a tedious process. Give one another adequate time and space for the friendship to bloom to the next level especially if you find that your friend is not averse to the idea.


If you're really in love with your best friend and wish to take your relationship to the next level, then it’s very important for both of you to be respectful of each other’s feelings. Do not ever coerce another. It will take co-operation from both to make the relationship work.

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