Emotional Side Of The Kiss

Are there an emotional problems, connected with the kisses?

When you kiss each others, you feel yourself very nice and it seems as if you can burst with a pleasure. You feel that you have a giddiness and that your heart became beat faster. Every psychological condition when you do not tremble, sweat, laugh, not to control yourself and control everything that can influence on your feelings from the kiss calls the emotional problem of the kiss. Remember, please : nothing from enumerated reactions is not a problem. The problem lies in their availability. Practically all people to a greater or lesser extent survive such problems during the whole life. It is a sign that the person has the initial psychological problems barriers which he can not overcome by himself and to feel pleasure from the kiss. These are such barriers as the kiss fear, shyness, diffidence, overwhelming evidence influence of the parents.

What role the parents play when a child has a problem of kisses?

The parents very often build up a big emotional problem in their children character by themselves when it is a question of the ability to take a pleasure from the kisses. Many teenagers complain : “My parents are not allowed me to bring at home books about the kisses”. A parent who is not allowed his child to read such literature do a big mistake. “My mother is not allowed to kiss with my girlfriend”, “My mother keep an eye on me to be sure that I do not kiss with the girls. It is not right. Such parents behavior make children to deceive their parents. An advice to the parents : Be more indulgent to your children.

What is the most emotional problem connected with the kisses?

The most important problem is inability to understand what your partner thinks and feels.
Practically every person turns out to be in a such situation. When your uncertainty in another person add to pleasure which you take during the kiss, then this problem originates. Many young people ask : “Does she like how I kiss her?” If you can to read her thoughts, you will know at once what to do to give her a pleasure and to devote her himself. But if it is impossible, you should rely on that your girlfriend bring to you – by the words and silence.

What is the kiss fear?

Your heart beats fast, tremble your knees, sweat your palm – everything is the same as should be in euphoria of the kiss. But you do not kiss at all. You just stay close to your girlfriend as if you are paralysed. This problem spread much more than you could imagine.

Almost 15% of questioned informed that they are afraid of kisses. Usually this fear is not lead to the full resist of kisses, on the contrary, the teenagers show it more brightly and they say that they do not allow themselves to relax during the kiss. For example : “ I am 16 years old and every time when I kiss my girlfriend, something push me away. I do not understand why is it so. I know that I love her. What happens with me?”

Such a condition happens because of the fear of the pleasure. These people should relax during the kiss. You should put on the music or go for a walk to the park where you can find a place which is covered from the immodest immodest look. And remember that you should not do everything ideally. Sometimes the attempt to make mistakes even helps you.

What should I do if I am very shy person?

You may believe or not but to kiss with a shy people is the most important thing. /that is why do not much worry about it. On the contrary it could be your dignity. You will be a special person. But, of course you could manage with your shyness talking with your friends about the kisses and observing the others kiss at the cinema. The more you will kiss the faster you will overcome your shyness. Do not hurry with the kisses. Start with the kiss of a hand and at parting kiss. You will break the ice of trust by these kisses. But when you will see that our girlfriend react on your attention positively you become more courageous.

Is it necessary to kiss forcibly?

Yes, it is necessary as it is very comfortable in a sense of a symbol that you are arranged about everything and became reconciled with each other after the quarrel. As one girl said, “such a kiss is the best way to make it up and owing to it you understand that your quarrel draw to a close”. And if you want that everything will be all right you should be a sincere person. the best way is to tell some pleasant words to him, for example : “Let's never quarrel again!” or “It seems to me that I am not right”.

What should I do if my kisses are rejected?

This question is for the people if after the kiss the girl tell that she did not expect this and wanted to have only friendly relationships. So, try to find someone who will be more indulgent to you. Nevertheless try not to break off your first girlfriend : perhaps she will change her attitude to you? During your seeking a new life partner she will to be over head and ears in love with you.

What should you do with a fear that your loving person will not like your kisses?

First of all a kiss – is a natural action and there are not right and wrong kisses in the world. Remember it, please. Nobody could not reproach you that you can not kiss. Nevertheless there are many interesting things which you can learn, for example what kind of kisses does your partner like. The best way to know about it is to tell her that during three minutes you will not answer to her kiss. She will do it and you will see how she do it, remember it : remember how she kisses you, presses to your lips – tender or with an effort, if she works by a tongue and how long are her kisses.

After this you may change your roles and say to her that now she will not answer to your kisses. Kiss her as you like do it. So, you will know what you like.

The other thing which you can learn is tenderness. Watch movies about love and pay your attention how the actors kiss. You can borrow something from them. Also you may train it with your own hand. I understand that it sounds foolishly that is why you could fell your kiss by lips and hands and you will know what your girlfriend feels when you kiss her in such a way.

Besides you may ask your friends how they like to kiss. They would like to share their experience to you and tell you about it. The best way is to ask them show their skill on the photo of the magazine. (And you also can do it. Buy a magazine and kiss models in it. It sounds foolishly but you could learn much more interesting ). Besides you may ask some of your friends that she will show you how to kiss practically. But be careful : choose a girl who does not fell to you a big love.

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