Don’T Be Scammed By A Girl On Any Website….

Scams in the Internet dating world are rampant. There is no dating site free of scammers. And as hard as marriage agencies try to weed out potentially gold-diggers, one or two will occasionally sneak into an agency. Regardless if you are new to the Internet dating world or a veteran, you should always read up on scams and the new techniques to part you and your money. The majority of these scams are out of and, with some out of the former Soviet Union (FSU) countries, and the have recently jumped on the bandwagon. Avoiding these scams is very easy…

Never send a girl or anyone money!!

Latin scammers are a completely different breed that FSU scammers with completely different motives and tactics. FSU scammers are simply thieves who steal money from generous foreign men. They ask for money over the Internet without ever having met the guy.

Latin scammers will rarely ask for money from a guy that they have never met. A scammer will simply ask for money, take it and disappear. A Latin girl, after meeting, will ask you to pay for things (rent, car payment or tuition) or ask you to buy her things. (Clothes, shoes or furniture.)

Obviously, men all over the world buy things for their girlfriends. But a Latin gold-digger will ask for things much too soon in a relationship. And there is the key; she will ask you to buy her things. As with the FSU girls, a genuine girl will not ask you for anything. She will wait for her dashing foreign man to give her things or offer to buy her things. And even in those cases, the gifts should be small. Most scammers are made by foreign men. If a girl has a few guys visiting her and taking her out, then buying her things and giving her expensive gifts, well, those guys just opened her eyes to the world of easy living.

Red flags leading up to the money request should also be taken into consideration…

• Whining about financial situation.
• Sob stories about sick relatives who needs expensive operations.
• Ordering the most expensive meal on the restaurant menu; not knowing what it is.
• Wanting to always go to the most expensive clubs that she has never been to.
• Pushing to get married WAY too soon. (Within 3 months, for example.)
• Pushing for info about visas to your country and citizenship way too soon.

Just remember, any girl talking about money, or asking for it, would seem to be more interested in that money than in you. She obviously survived this long without you and your money, why does she suddenly need your money?

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