Does An Active Style Lead To Success?

Hi everyone, how are you? Today’s question has been a topic of many lectures on human behavior. Being a couch potato promotes procrastination and failure. So why can’t being more active, promote success? It’s a fact that people who put things off until tomorrow are the ones left behind. An active personality wants to do things today, not tomorrow. It’s the science in human behavior. We teach our minds how to act. And that generates how our personalities work everyday.

Lazy and active are two totally different ways to look at life. The active person wakes up early everyday with something to look forward to. They seem to look at the glass as half full. While the lazy person might sleep as long as they can, before they have to wake up. They usually have nothing to look forward to except the same boring day. They look at the glass as half empty. The active person who wakes up early usually has the personality to get up and go. That makes the mind always think of new ways to pass the time by. While the lazy persons day includes a regular scheduled day with nothing different than the day before.

If you wake up, go to work, come home, eat, watch television, shower, sleep, wake up and do it again everyday; your not alone. Most lifestyles are trained to be like that. You have to snap out of that lifestyle. Make your day interesting. Don’t wake up with 20 minutes before you have to be in work. Wake up early, have some breakfast, go for a walk/exercise, work. Spend some time doing a hobby/business. Save some time to talk to the kids/wife/loved ones. Make everyday different and not boring. Get off your butts and do something.

If you get in to the habit of making each day active; you will find that you won’t want to sit around. You will get more accomplished during the day. You will find that you have more time to do the things you couldn’t before. Laziness is a trained human behavior. You trained yourself to be lazy. Don’t come home from work and sit on the couch for 3 hours. Find something to do. I know most of you reading this blog want to start a home business. Take some of my advice from my blog and get going. Don’t wait until tomorrow.

It’s a proven fact that laziness promotes worse behavior. Laziness is just like anything else if you do it all the time. It can be very habit forming. That’s why you can’t let yourself get in to that comfort lazy level. Train yourself to do odd jobs and get things done. If you have a plan to do something, map it out. When you make time to do things, they usually work out better. Are you that person who did their science project the night before or the month before it was due?

Look at your everyday lifestyle. Make some time for the goals, plans, and dreams you have. They won’t just come to you. You have to start on them one day at a time. Map out each day with no space to relax until it’s time to go to bed. When you get more accomplished during the day, it will give you more motivation to get things done the next day.

If you are that lazy person, listen up. If you start being more active now, each day will get a little easier until it becomes second nature. Just like being the couch potato you are, is second nature right now. You can change. You have to want to change. Make your dreams worth something and chase them. Take some time out for yourself and your loved ones each day.

Teach yourself to become a more active person. And I can guarantee you become a better all around person. Active lifestyles lead to so many good things. From good health to success. I used to be that lazy person sitting on my butt all the time. I am living proof anyone can change and be successful. Stop being lazy everyone, you only live once. Stop saying you will do it tomorrow.

Thanks for reading my blog everyone. I really appreciate it. See you all tomorrow.

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