Dating Advice

To remain free dating member you should not send private email in your initial letters to other members.

If you want to remain a free dating member with full access you have to follow certain rules. We do not allow free members sending private email addresses in there initial letters. Members must correspond with each other before we accept exchaging private email addresses on our site. Further we require members to keep a decent language on the site. If you follow these simple rules, you're welcome to use our site free international dating for everyone total free of charge. Our dating system scan all mails for vulgar language and emails. When it found forbidden words, it will drop the mail and set your profile to a standard member. That means you can't send any further mails and you got to pay before you can continue sending mails. These rules will prevent scammers to use our site, as they usually would not pay to send scam mails.

Scam Free Dating

Our staff read every profile before approving. We have years of experience in reading profiles and we usually can see if scammers try to enter our dating site. We also check the registed country match the IP (internet address where there computer are operating from). Usually scammers does not register there real country and pretend to be someoneelse. Those will not be approved before they have a sensible explanation. Our rule not permitting members sending there email address in there initial letter, is also an effective means catching scammers. When we found a scammer we block there computer prevent them to enter the dating site. Further we request our member to report any strange behaviour. With those measure step, we believe our site got free from scammers and our true members can safely date on our site.

Where are Scammers often come from

Many dating sites claim scammers are from Russia and Nigeria, but that is not really true. It tells us, when they claim to be scam free and said scammers come from Russia and Nigeria they have not really found the scammers and there scam filter does not really work well. The worst scammers actually come from Ivory Coast and Senegal and with an extremely high amount and aggressive. We believe they are organized and target to get money out of innocent people. Not saying that there are no scammers from Russia and Nigeria. They are a minor problem compared to scammers from Ivory Coast and Senegal.

The behaviour and what we do to avoid scammers on our free dating site.

Often scammers are registering as being from somewhere else and trying to hide behind the scene. We have often seen scammers asking for bank account information and if they succeed getting it, they immediately will start drawing on the account. There English are usually quit poor as most scammers come from West Africa. By comparing the Computer Address (IP) with the registed country is a method we use in our investigation and is quit effective. If a scammer unfortunately should go through our eye of needle, our scam filter program in the mail system scan all initial mails for certain words and combination of words. When the scam filter has found suspicious mail, it will immediately drop the mail, report to us and set the expiration date of the member. Then we do further investigation to decide whether we should block the computer entering our site. To prevent using the same email in a new profile is not very effective. In the matter of fact, we also use this method as a add on to prevent scammers. It is easy to create a new email address in yahoo or other free email providers. Another reson you should give away your private e-mail so easy, is that first of all, you really don't know who is in the other end at first. How can you be so sure, that the other part does not collect your mail in the big spam register and with the result of incremental of spam being send to you. We decided, every member should correspond with each other with several mails before exchanging there private emails. When they drive you off the dating site, they can freely persuade you to whatever they want. Some are using stupid methods and some are more well thought out methods.

For da ladies

Know what you want and take it....but take it with clear communication. If you explore what it is exactly you want from this individual guy, and really be honest with yourself about what it is you want for who you are today, then tell him and let it ride. That means say it, and then wait for his reaction. If he cant deal with it, then find someone who can. But if you wait too long to explore the truth, youll have lied too many times already, and everyone looses.

Dating a woman second time - schedule meetings in intimate settings

Men often get stuck ending first dates, regarding the approach they should call a women to a second date. Suppose you've had a casual conversation with a girl that led to nothing more than an acquaintance, how do you show girl you romantic intentions? How do you invite her for a second date?

Principles of flirting with men - create attraction and lust

Women often view flirting and forthcoming wit men as a big step that one doesn't enter into lightly. Actually that's mostly true if you're making your first attempts acquainting guys. If you're not as pretty as men would consider attractive on the first sight, you may be wondering if your body type is eye-catching to man at all.

Long-term relationships - show signs of sincere interest in a woman and win her admiration

Long-term relationships are preferred but rarely accomplished ambition for a single man. They take work, but men who achieved it and want to keep their buddies think that it is all-worthwhile.

How to pick up on women's hints of attention and give them a sign back?

Many men get confused with the indecisiveness that occurs after the first few initial dates. Usually dilemma remains regarding whether your female partner will want to continue to see you again if you're still interested.

Ways to compliment a woman - pride woman's achievements and make friendly notes

Many women are quite guarded about opening up to men and very cautious to expressing their exact way of thinking. Hence, you need to make easy to them to overcome obstacles and borders in social contact.

Reflect on yourself as a good flirt - establish flirting with attractive women

Do you consider yourself a good flirt? Or, do you believe women should make the first move towards flirtation. If a women flirts with you, do you flirt back? Waiting for a woman to make first contact and initiate flirting could mean missing a lot of good opportunities.

Make women flattered by the interest commitment and attention

Men often view approaching unknown women and initiating conversation a difficult step, that one doesn't enter into lightly. Actually that's mostly true if you're inexperienced with women's manners in courting situations.

Dating women - achieve experience with physical and emotional intimacy

Men would enthusiastically view socializing with women as a big step that could lead to getting in closeness of someone interested in relationship or long-term friendship. Being an extrovert and funny person makes you an interesting company, which women would like to acquaint.

How to arrange the second date with a woman still undecided about dating you

Men often view getting a second date off a woman they've asked out once as a big step that one doesn't enter into lightly. In your efforts to arrange the second date, it is important that you have a specific interesting activity that you know she would probably enjoy.

How to seduce a man you find eye-catching and convey signs of interest

Women often view approaching unknown men and initiating dialogue as a difficult step that one doesn't enter into lightly. Actually that's mostly true if you're inexperienced with men's behavior in courting situations.

Dating men - socializing is a first step that leads to intimacy

Women would eagerly view socializing with men as a huge leap that could lead to getting in intimacy with men. If a man is attracted and interested in a relationship or long-term friendship, woman should move a step forward and reveal her romantic intentions. Being an extrovert and funny person makes you an interesting company, which men would like to socialize with.

Dating a man second time - what if women get jammed after first successful date

Women often get jammed after first successful dates, concerning the approach they should invite a men to a second date. Suppose you've had a casual chat with a guy that led to nothing more than a friend. How do you show guy you romantic intentions? How do you invite him to a second date?

Attract men and get indication of your performance as a romantic partner?

Women often view getting a second date, as a big step that one doesn't enter into lightly. If you have arranged successfully first date, and the casual acquaintance progressed into friendship, it's likely you would like to see a man again. In your hard work to arrange the second date, it is important that you have a particular appealing activity that you know a man would probably enjoy.

Flirting technique - convey signs of attraction to a man

Do you find yourself stuck in front of an attractive man? Approaching and flirting with men seems to be so easy for some women while the other get tongue tied, or just sit back and wait to be approached. Interest and open character is what makes man feel attracted to woman.

Recognizing hidden courting signals - find out if man wants to approach you

Women often view flirting and acquainting men a big step that one doesn't enter into lightly. Subliminal messages sent over so often confuse women. Aptitude to recognize hidden courting signals is a skill, which once learned, provides you with unmatched potential to socialize and make friendships to men.

Respond to fact that men are more likely to hit on physically attractive women

When we learn to communicate truly with another, we are learning how to share common ideas, beliefs and values. Communication with the good-looking man is no different either. On some unconscious level, differences between man and woman's desires and wishes must be signaled to one another.

Friendship evolving into romance -want more than just being friends

One of the main reasons men talk to women is some kind of attraction. Sometimes, it's a friendly attraction; other times it's romantic interest. An attractive woman will typically have a bunch of male friends who are just hanging around hoping secretly for getting a date. To enhance the romantic mood, make sure you share at least some common ideas and interests with each other.

How attract men's attention and win a chance to seduce him

Women often view flirting and enlightening their personal qualities along the way as a big step that one doesn't enter into lightly. And that's mostly true if you're making your first cherished rapport with men, or you've been single for a long time.

Unreturned love -should you walk away from a man and chase after another?

Women often view relationships and affection, as a big hazard. Devoted love might not be returned. How long can you really wait for a man to fall in love with you if you truthfully love him? No women would wait forever. Love finally needs to be returned. That's mostly true if you're sure your relationship was built on of one-way love.

Men like to be flirted with - would you expect more than informal acquaintance?

Women often view flirting as an easy way of showing off their emotions headed to men. It's a hazardous step women don't enter into lightly. Chatting up men would seem tedious task for some women especially if they consider themselves unattractive. However one-thing women often do not consider is that men use flirting with women exclusively as an ego boost.

What makes you glow with the impression of being natural flirt

How do you recognize if you've being flirted with? Men tend to show interest signs, chat bashfully, and respond to flirting signs you're sending off. However those signs could be deceptive and vague, so you can end up alone and hurt by feeling you've being played. It's essential to recognize flirting and courting signals from the guys early on.

Flirting and sincere complements - essential form of communication with women

Men often view flirting as an appropriate way to reveal women they're attracted to their romantic interest. However making your passion and attraction to girl evident is a big step that one doesn't enter into lightly, and that's mostly true if you're making your first acquaintance with girls. Flirting and sincere complements are usually the best way.

Flirting makes communication with man easy and informal

Women often view flirting as an appropriate way to send signs to men they're attracted and interested in acquaintance. However making your excitement and attraction to girl evident is a big step that one doesn't enter into lightly, and that's mostly true if you're making your first acquaintances with guys.

Flirting with a man - make yourself comfortable by scheming the subject of conversation

Women would get confused if flirting signs they are sending off are taken as misleading hints or subliminal messages. Flirting is the art of clever transmission sexual interest to another person in the form of conversation and body language.

How do women pass on flirting as a flattering remark to a man?

Women often think of flirting with guys as a big step that one doesn't enter into lightly. That's mostly true if you're gaining your first romantic experiences. However one-thing women often do not consider is simply taking advantage of your strong points, making them obvious and focus of flirting actions.

How to get women's interest even if you're not amazingly charming and handsome man

You can experience a state of brainpower where being with a woman, or doing a particular thing, feels magically smooth and easy. To enhance the romantic mood, make sure you share at least some common ideas and interests with each other.

Communicate effortlessly with women - learn how to share common values

When we learn to communicate truly with another, we are learning how to share common ideas, beliefs and values. Communication with the attractive woman is no different either. On some unconscious level, differences between man and woman's desires wishes must be signaled to one another.

Self-doubting men fail with women for constantly keeping monitoring their own behavior

Some men get meltingly insecure with girls, just for fear of being rejected. The problem with self-doubting men is they constantly keep monitoring their own behavior. They can't even make small talk effectively. Hence women tend to overlook hesitant men over bold and boisterous one.

Flatter men by using flirting as a way to compliment and attract

Do you consider yourself a good flirt? Or, do you believe men should initiate flirtation. If a men flirts with you, do you flirt back? Waiting for a man to make first contact and initiate flirting could mean missing a lot of good opportunities.

How to recognize flirting and courting signals from the girls?

How do you recognize when you're being flirted with? Women tend to show interest signs, chat to you coyly, and accept flirting signs you're sending off. However those signs could be deceptive and vague, so you can end up alone, ashamed and hurt by feeling you've being played. It's essential to recognize flirting and courting signals from the girls early.

How to exhibit sincere interest in a guy's accomplishments and win his respect?

Lasting relationships are desired but rarely accomplished goal for a single woman. They take work, but women who achieved it and want to keep their partners think that it is all worthwhile. Sincere interest and commitment to men's personal attitude seems to be the common link that tightens relationship.

Biased subliminal messages sent over by women so often confuse men

Biased subliminal messages sent over by women so often confuse men. Recognizing hidden courting signals is a big step that one doesn't enter into lightly. However one-thing men often do not consider is simply reading woman's intentions from her behavior.

Ways to compliment a man - praising his personality or appearance is always a good start

Many men are very guarded about opening up to the opposite sex and very hesitant to expressing their true feelings. So you need to make easy to them to overcome obstacles and boundaries in social contact.

Stepladder to acquainting a man - prepare for rejection but don't look forward to it

Women often become incomprehensibly nervous around attractive man. Some women get meltingly insecure with guys, just for fear of being rejected. The problem with anxious women is they constantly keep monitoring their own behavior. Facing different social situations they can't even make small talk effectively. Hence men tend to overlook hesitant women over extrovert and noisy one.

How men respond to subtle signals of attraction?

Many women get confused with the uncertainly that occurs after the first few initial dates. Usually remains dilemma regarding whether your partner will want to continue to see you again if you're still interested.

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