Church Requirements For Marriage With Foreigners

1. Clearance: Foreigners who wish to apply for marriage with a Filipino citizen must first secure clearance from the Archdiocesan Chancery Office at the Arzobispado de Manila, 121 Arzobispo St., Intramuros, Manila (near Manila Cathedral). This clearance must be submitted to the Parish Office upon filing of application for the wedding.

2. Baptismal Certificate: This must the original and obtained not more than three months from the wedding date. It must have the annotation: “FOR MARRIAGE PURPOSE ONLY.” This is a requirement for BOTH bride and groom whether they are Catholic or not.

3. Certification of Freedom to Marry: This can be obtained from the Catholic Pastor, Protestant Minister or the Embassy of the foreigner.

4. Marriage License: This can be obtained from the civil authorities; or a Marriage Contract if already married with the civil registry number.

5. Permission and Certification of Singularity: This can be obtained from the parish of the bride if she is Catholic. CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage Record) may also be obtained at the National Statitics Office in leiu of this.

6. Marriage Banns: These have to be posted for three consecutive Sundays.

Additional Requirements for Specific Cases

For Military personnel: a Military clearance has to be secured from the base military authorities specifically from the immediate Commanding Offices ONLY if any of the parties belong to the military.

For Non-Catholics: A certification of his/her legal capacity to marry. Has to be obtained from his/her embassy or from the country of origin.

For Mixed-Marriages: A dispensation from the impediment of mixed marriage/religion (Disparitas Cultas) has to be obtained if necessary.

Widow and Widower: The death certificate of the former spouse has to be presented to the parish office.

For Divorced parties: A document of the Declaration of Nullity promulgated by the Catholic Memorial Tribunal or a certification from the Bishop of the party that he/she is free to marry has to be presented to the Archdiocesan Chancery Office for authentication and clearance.

For American citizens: visit this page for a detailed discussion of the necessary requirements.

For Japanese citizens: A clearance must be obtained from Fr. Toru Nishimoto, CSSR. His office is at Traveller’s Life Bldg., T.M. Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila.

For Chinese citizens: A clearance must be obtained from Msgr. Peter Tsao, SVD. His office is at the St. Jude Parish, J.P. Laurel St., San Miguel, Manila. Tel No.: 735.6408.

For other nationalities: Ask your respective embassy here in the Philippines for any requirement needed before getting married wih a Filipino national. A complete listing of Foreign Embassies in the Philippines is posted at the Department of Foreign Affairs’ Diplomatic and Consular List (countries are listed alphabetically).

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