Best Slavic Girls Is Committed To Fighting Scams.

Please read this article if you want to avoid being scammed in dating.

It is specially written by Best Slavic Girls, based on years of experience in helping people to find their match.

This page is dedicated to warn you on possible signs of scams, which is unfortunately present now in the dating industry. Statistically we can say that less than 0.1% of all applicants, who submit their information for dating, are scammers. They are out there, and even if dating agencies do their best in screening all applicants, there is always the possibility that someone who may slip through. Actually you never know what is in the heart of the girl until you begin to correspond and meet her.

Generally there are two type of scamming.

There is a scam "behind the scene", when photos, surname, physical address are usually fake, the girl in most of the cases is not real, all she has is some stolen photos of a model and email address. She attempts to get you into loving conversation and asks for money or gifts in few letters afterwards. Whether you send her money, or refuse to do it - she will mysteriously disappear from the scene after getting your money or after your refusal to send it. Early signs of this letter: the girl has model looks, her data is too perfect, she doesn't care if man is over 30 years older than her. She sends you super sweet and extra loving letters almost from the start (usually the same text written for everybody). Next step, when your heart has melted from being "so special" - she asks for something and you feel like giving it to her. Please report it to us if you run into a situation like this.

Usually it is possible for us to spot these applicants and avoid placing them on the site. When girls send us applications with model type photos, give only email and no phone number, looks for man 20 to 60 years old, and all her data is just perfect, she is not placed on the site. Even if she is true, we won't take a chance. At end of the day, if girl has true intentions, everything is perfect but fails to give us her phone number, we are immediately suspitious of this applicant. Has she something to hide? Suspicious applicants are rejected until we are able to verify that the information she has provided is true. If you see an extremely beautiful and perfect woman on our site, you can be sure, that she was carefully verified by us on being real and sincere, before we place her. We have years of experience in it, but even so, our screening system is not perfect, nobody's screening is 100% perfect, so if you are suspicious of something - send us an inquiry immediately and we will investigate the matter without delay.

There is a second type of scam "on the scene", when everything about the girl, including her beauty and address is real, but her intentions are far from true and sincere. Typical for this scam is for man go all the way to meet the girl, give numerous gifts on her request and be left with a feeling that she is not even going to get into serious relationship. Or he invites her for a holiday where he discovers that she just came for fun and holiday and nothing more than that.

It is easy to recognize early signs of a scam in both scenarios: girl usually asks you for something. Let say she asks you to help her for internet costs, apartment rental, medical problems or family problems or even asks for gifts. Our answer is always the same: do not send money!

Obviously if you want a girl to come to you, you will have to buy her ticket, Russian girls simply cannot afford such high expences. Just be careful with it: do not send money for ticket, rather send her the ticket itself.

Don't take this information completely out of text either. All women love gifts and attention, and it doesn't mean they are all scammers. (Remember, only 0.1% of applicants might be a scammer. The others are fine.) You can send her flowers or gift on her birthday, or romantic cards - this is all ok, it's a natural part of courting a woman and shows your romantic attitude towards relationship. Girls love it, their hearts melt from such attention from your side.

Accepting your gifts by a woman is ok, if you were the one who offered it first. Woman with true intentions for serious relationships and marriage will never give you a hint that she in need of something or wants something from you. Accepting your flowers or gift delivery on her birthday is normal in dating, but asking you to buy her a computer or other things is not ok. If this happens, our advice, report the woman and leave her immediately. Life in Russia might be hard and salaries are low, but women are not poverty stricken, and always have what is the necessary minimum to enjoy life. It's not central Africa where people are hungry indeed, Russia is quite civilized compare to that.

Bottom line is: when a woman seeks love and marriage, she is looking for who you truly are as a person with dreams, interests and certain features of character. In this case she is not supposed to look for what things you have (name of your car or size of your house) and not suppose to look for what you can do for her (help financially with sick relative etc.). Looking for the last two things is abusing the notion of dating, love, honesty and sincere relations.

I am a young Russian woman, who wrote this article. I have worked for 7 years in the marriage industry, have read thousands of letters, investigated complaints about scams and questioned both men and women clients. So, I know most of the tricks scammers play and what can be done to avoid them. I also often spot their applications at the time of submission and delete it without consideration. We do not tolerate scams and fight it as best we can. Its an ongoing battle, as scammers continually try to find new way to penetrate our defences. As a result we have to continually revise our methods for detecting scams.

If you are dating or corresponding with a Russian girl and suspect she might be a scammer, its better to send us a request to investigate the matter before you become a victim of it. I will personally read your request, if necessary - all your correspondence, and evaluate the possibility of scam. I will make sure the girl is questioned and her data is compared to the list on already known scammers. We will not leave you wondering, so please come and ask for help, at the slightest hint of a problem.

If you unfortunately become a victim of a scam, or someone really tried to scam you, report it to us in any case. We have to memorize data of this person to make sure if she ever applies again, she never gets approved for our site or partner sites.

We are here to help you to find your soul mate, start a sincere relationship, get married to a woman that is special to you and live with her happily ever after. It's not a fairy tale. Thousands of couples have done it through marriage agencies and are very happy being together today, and so can you. Trust you heart in searching for her and you will find your love.

Anna Lang.

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