Be A Kind

Today more than 50% of the marriages break and couples wonder how others can maintain a long lasting relationship. People find it hard to keep up a relationship. It is important to keep up a relationship and for that you have to keep a light mood. Along with all the trust and faith, couple should also keep a lighthearted mood.

Wipe out the rust settled in your relationship with a touch of innocence. Be a Kid. Make your relationship sweet and lively just like a kid who has to experience and see a lot in life. Do not make your relationship old and stagnated as you grow in a relationship. Grow and have a mature understanding but be young and innocent at heart and let your relationship be as young and fresh as ever. Behave like a kid.

It is perfectly fine to be silly and behave like a kid in a relationship. There should always be a touch of every age in a matured relationship. In a relationship behave like a man, a youth and a kid. It is interesting and exciting to have all shades of life in your relationship. Being a kid is one of them.

Never feel stupid to behave like a kid but enjoy it. Play games, order in Chinese, plug in play station and play different games whenever you are free and have not planned anything. You would enjoy playing games together and feel a kind of bonding that you would love to be together always. When you behave like a kid you laugh and have fun like those little one and forget all your worries. Just as a kid is unaware of all the worries and ill happenings in the world you too forget those tensions and frustrations in your life and completely enjoy life like those innocent ones. It is always recommended to couples to behave as kids at times and enjoy the real fun and laughter in life.

Behave like a kid. Talk like a kid, get stubborn like a kid while eating, always ask for ice-creams after meals and do a lot of things as kids do just for fun, to get pampered and loved by your spouse as a kid is loved. It is a great feeling to be loved with emotions and sentiments.

At times get angry like a kid with your partner so that the opposite one pampers you and cuddles you to make it up for the cause of anger. But do not get angry rudely. Your anger should be sweet and not aggravated .Behaving in such a manner makes you pampered by your partner. It always feels nice to be pampered and caressed. And your partner will definitely love to pamper and cress you like a kid.

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