Attraction Secrets For Men Who Have No Clue

Are you looking for attraction secrets because you have on earthly idea how to connect, attract or approach women? If so, you’re not alone. I see so many guys out there try and fail with women, it’s ridiculous. You’d be surprised to see how often I get emails from people, “what’s your biggest attraction secret?” I tell them, there is none! Yeah, you heard me right. There are no secrets when it comes to brining in the ladies like it’s going out of style. Just a few tips and techniques and we’ll be going over that here.

First off, be yourself. Don’t be someone who you’re not. It does not take the best looking guy, nor a ton of money to land yourself a pretty hot chick. I’ve done it time and time again. The first thing that you’re going to want to master is mirroring. Master this and you’ll never spend another night alone. Mirroring is where you watch the tone, the pitch and the flow of the person you are trying to attract. I’ve said this before, but if you are trying to attract someone who is just depressing you, just leave it. Move on and find someone who is more uplifting and fun to be around. They are out there.

If you show that you have supreme confidence, attracting a woman will be so easy for you, it will seem unfair. Seriously, show her that you are so sure of yourself and it is her privilege for you to be around, that she will want to be with you. Now, don’t confuse this with being a flat out jerk, ok? It’s a fine line that you have to walk and all ladies will react different to this. Some will think you are being cocky and others will think that you are being confident or others may even say that you are being over confident. Either way, just be sure to be yourself but at the same time be sure of yourself and don’t doubt. If you do, the women will see right through that. That’s kind of one of the more basic attraction secrets out there, but not too many people talk about it.

The last attraction secret that I want to share with you today is sincere nervousness. What is that anyway? I can hear you asking me that right now! It’s when you have some lines prepared, you see a beautiful woman, you already know what you are going to say and then you make the approach. You see her, she sees you coming up and expects you to say something. Then you basically forget everything you were going to say because you are stunned at her beauty. You can’t get over the sight of just being in her presence. When this happens, it truly is a God-send. But do not fake this one, it must be sincere.

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