Attract Him

Every single woman must know that men love it when...

• She asks for advice, but not only about electronics, gadgets or other typically "male" stuff.

• She eats like a person and not like a bird.

• She holds her hair with a pencil.

• She is independent, but doesn't make him feel an accessory.

• She is more than a superficial girl.

• She is not a daddy's girl.

• She is playful.

• She kisses him creatively.

• She knows how to enjoy a good conversation, too.

• She knows how to reply intelligently to a sarcastic joke.

• She knows how to walk and how to dance.

• She knows how to get dressed (and undressed).

• She knows what she wants in life.

• She knows what she wants to do.

• She learns how to behave childishly without being spoiled.

• She gives him an unexpected phone call.

• She shows herself feminine.

• She shows herself sexy and smart at the same time.

• She shows she reads newspaper or books, not just those bloody magazines.

• She knows how to dress to attract the opposite sex.

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