Attract And Seduce Women In Night Clubs

Nightclubs and bars are places where you get to meet the most exciting and sexy girls on the planet. But this can also be a very tricky situation for you. Why is that? This is because, they are many guys, who are richer, more popular and have better looks and body than you. Even then with these few tips you can get the girl that you really want. How? Make use of the following tips to your advantage.


Women like to see the personality of a man which they perceive has social value before they want to even date a person. Even a smile, a shrug and a simple hello is enough to perceive that you have social value. Women like men who are comfortable and confident when in a group. It’s psychological. We all feel more comfortable with a person, whom we can chat with. That’s one of the reasons, why young girls are attracted towards older men. Older men know more about body language and have the social confidence to talk.

Now you understand that women like to see the power and social confidence rather than just plain looks.


Have you ever noticed a celebrity walk into a club or a bar? Try their style the next time you walk into a club. Enter the club and stay still while scanning the whole place as if you are looking for that special friend. While you are doing this have some friends of yours come up and generally mob you (sneaky but it works great). Shake their hands, give somebody a squeeze and generally appear to be happy and pally to them.

Smile And Wave Back

If you spot somebody from the crowd smiling at you, smile back at them. All along the way smile, and if some delectable girl smiles back at you or even a guy, give them your introduction. Shake their hands while giving it a tight squeeze. If they say something in your ear, ensure that you hug them (in a friendly manner to start with). Don’t even start with your pickup lines at the moment. Save them for the later

Make Lots Of Introductions Within The Group

Do this with several of the girls that you meet. All this while the entire woman population of that club would be watching you. Flit and flirt between the different sets of girls and introduce all of them to each other. Say simply “Hi, I want to introduce you to some good friends of mine”. In this way, you show the girls your entire network and the networking skills that you have.

You Have Become The Topic Of Discussion

Once the girls start talking to each other, move out for a few minutes and give them time to bond. But come back really soon and you would know that you are the topic and the discussion. Now each of them wants your attention to them selves. The seduction process that you started has already has its effect.

Of course now you can pick and choose the ones that you want. Try this seduction technique at any nightclub and bar and make all the women want to get laid.

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