Adultery And Divorce




Moses because of the hardness of your hearts allowed men to divorce their wives; but from the beginning it was not so. And I say unto you, Whosoever shall divorce his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery, and whoso marrieth her which is divorced doth commit adultery.
Let not the wife depart from her husband. But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.
But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases.
The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband lives; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord. But she is happier if she so abide after my judgment.
If any brother has a wife that believes not, and she be pleased to dwell with him. Let him not divorce her. And the woman which has a husband that believes not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now they are holy.
When a problem in the marriage does arise, always know that the Father of all creation is there to guide you as it is not His Will that any relationship should break, but that the two would repent and forgive.
If the two of you can not agree, go to one of the elders of the church and plead your cases and let his judgment rest, but in the case of children, know that it is your children that will suffer most. Your children look up to you two as their two best friends and we all know how much tension there is when two people whom we love do fight with each other.
We live in a time where divorce is the first thing we think of, but reconciling and forgiving are the last things that we think of. But that ought not be for that is the way of the world.
Sometimes the earthly courts offer child visitation rights to your ungodly spouse, for these judges are easily fooled and often wrong as we operate in a court system that cares more about revenue than it does justice. But fret not, for there is nothing that any man can do to pluck God's children from His arms. The children of God always get to heaven.
fathers who leave the nest shall continue to provide for their own, for God does not take lightly he who neglects his own! ...If your right hand offends you, chop it off; for it is better to enter the kingdom crippled than to go to hell in perfect health.
Likewise, if your wife offends the Lord through unrepentant abomination, then though she be your flesh, cut her off and separate. For it is better you go to heaven without her than to hell with her and her heathen doctrines. But let this always be the last resort. For some have won their unbelieving spouses over to the Lord by relentless giving and forgiving.
Many people seek counsel after they have decided to leave their spouse, but one ought to seek counsel long before that point.



Adultery is a sin against yourself, your spouse and God; and it shall not go unpunished
Adultery does not go unnoticed nor will it go unpunished; for you will either be punished here on earth somehow or on the day of judgment. But always pray that God would punish you here and that He will guide you to repentance.
When your spouse commits adultery, you have the choice to either forgive and keep your spouse or you may forgive but leave your spouse.
It is always our Father's will that you should forgive your spouse and in the case of a stray incident, there is no reason why one should not forgive and keep the spouse because God will properly deal with the repenting spouse. But if the adulterating spouse shows no signs of repentance or godly fear, than he is to be treated as a heathen and accordingly, dead in the eyes of God.
Adultery is a very serious offence for it made it to the top ten most important rules! But this generation makes light of it as they see God's rules as conditional rules to be used when they fit their own earthly needs. For we see countless Soap Operas, TV shows, and Movies that portray, advertise and glamorize adultery all the time. And the children of this world enjoy being entertained by such abomination for they say that it makes them wise to watch other peoples' mistake, but 70% of the people commit adultery and 50 percent of the marriages end up in divorce. So we plainly see that we are in error because only 75 years ago when we had no TVs, we had very little adultery and divorce.
Just because Satan's ministers in Hollywood have made light of adultery, it does not mean that adultery is to be taken lightly.
Most Hollywood producers and actors pretend to follow either Lord Jesus or the God of Moses, both of Whom abhor adultery.
And though Lord Jesus is the God of Moses, even the premise that He is not shows us that their God does not like adultery for it is plainly stated in the law of Moses.
Whosoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. In other words, stop fantasizing about every woman you see on the streets, on posters, in magazines or on TV. Learn to focus all your sexual thoughts on your own wife and let her be your only focus of such thoughts. Thoughts defile a man. And such thoughts only lead to more thoughts which lead to actions.
The reason most people commit adultery is because they do not truly believe that God is watching and that He has the power to punish you right now, a little later, previously, or in the life to come. With God all things are possible for He is Almighty!


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