Abusive Relationships

A relationship that thrives on love and respect is a healthy one. There is affection, respect, love and some amount of possessiveness too. However, when this possessiveness assumes the form of jealousy, is when the problem starts. Though it may seem that the abuser is being stubborn or smothering just out of concern or possessiveness, it is not always the case. Abusive relationships can sometimes even prove to be fatal or so unnerving that starting all over with somebody else and trusting others may take quite a considerable amount of time.

It is estimated that one out of four women would have experienced an abusive relationship in their life. Abusive relationship can be between any two close individuals. It could be between lovers, spouses or even close friends. When one partner starts to get jealous of the other and begins to feel insecure, he/she tries to force themselves upon the other person. This may take the form of verbal, emotional or even physical abuse. Emotional blackmailing takes an alarming form and the victim feels completely helpless in such a situations. Think you might be a victim of an abusive relation? Check out these signs that indicate that you might be in an abusive relationship:

Signs of Abusive Relationships

• The most common sign of an abusive relationship is feelings of intense jealousy in one partner of friends, family, or other outside social contact of the other partner.

• Another common sign is constant put downs, insults or statements made by the abuser, even in front of others that diminish the victim’s worth or ability.

• Controlling behavior is a sign that may seem subtle at first but even before you realize, the abuser has total control over every trivial aspect of your life like controlling what you wear, where you go, etc.

• Yelling, shouting, and intimidation almost on a daily basis without any reason are another sign of an abusive relationship.

• Constantly questioning a partner about time spent apart from the relationship and interrogating about their whereabouts is another sign of an abusive relation.

• Intensifying abuse when one's partner begins to move towards independence or self-sufficiency, like getting a better job, making new friends, seeking counseling.

• Forcing one partner to indulge in sexual relation or unwanted sexual advances when he/she is not interested or making them do something that they don’t like is a sign of an abusive relation.

• Physical forms of abuse like hitting, slapping, kicking, pushing, biting, or the threatening to harm physically or use a weapon is a guaranteed sign of an abusive relation.

• If you have to think before saying anything to him/her and worry as to how violently they will react, then you might be in an abusive relation.

The only way to deal with this is by seeking professional help or counseling. The abuser may harm even more if you try to sever the relation or walk out of it all of a sudden. Try to talk it out, involve a professional or at least friends and family. Deep inside, you might feel something is wrong and needs to be ended right there. You could probably be right about that gut feeling, as something might just be wrong. Act before it is too late and remember, every problem has a solution!

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