A Shocking Truth About Lugansk Ukraine Or Ukrainian Beauties

I had a wonderful mood when my aircraft landed in a small airport of the same size cozy and sunny Lugansk a Ukrainian suburban city. A beautiful and slim stewardess with a shining smile wished all the passengers a wonderful time in this amazing Ukrainian city with a big history and original culture.

I came to Lugansk with a purpose to open “oksanalove” next office there. And I was not sure why I was attracted exactly by this small Ukrainian city, if there are so many big cities in the world with huge number of girls who are in searches of their prince? I think manies have heard about the tremendous beauty of hot and sensual Ukrainian girls, but only a smaller number of them do really know that exactly in this small Ukrainian town with a poetic name Lugansk every girl is a real supermodel. Frankly speaking, I didn’t have any version about why is it so, until the time when I introduced with one interesting and of course beautiful woman, who told me that in the time of the Russian Impress Ekatirina the second’s ruling, she dispatched all the beautiful girls to that remote area. She eliminated all that women of tremendous beauty in unknown city of Lugansk, in order their charm could not darken the beauty of the powerful Empress. In such a way, this small city was full of girls of unbelievable beauty and they were passing this real value from generation to generation. Probably it’s just a beautiful legend, but you start unwillingly believing it when you walk in the streets of Lugansk and stare at dazzling smiles of Lugansk beauties.

In one of the hot days, I had a run around at Lugansk notaries’ offices and city administrations.

Unfortunately, during my trip I had some complicated moments also. I set down on a bench in the shadow in a cozy and pretty park and lazily was looking at people who were resting there. Through some time my attention was attracted by a group of four chaps - two guys and two girls. One of the women among them was tremendously beautiful! A guy that was sticking with her was pretty much athletic but he was staring at another man in a very unfriendly way. At the mean time, the guy that was gazed by another man admirably looked at that extremely beautiful girl. The second chick as I understood was a translator, because guy that was charmed most all spoke in English. The interpreter seemed nervous and unconfident. The beauty was only answering “yes” or ”no” and the conversation of two seemed more like a monolog of a foreigner. In some 15-20 minutes the stranger took out of his wallet and passed few green banknotes to the translator. Then, girls and the athletic guy left a foreigner alone and gone in a car that was waiting for them.

As I later found out, the foreigner was an American. He seemed really confused. That’s why I decided to approach him and ask if he needs any help. So, we introduced and from that moment I started getting to know a different side of Lugansk. It was another truth – a shocking truth about this city.

The American’s name is Steve. He came from USA to meet his virtual woman of dream and gain his long-awaited happiness. His whole family was expecting him home with his beautiful, loving and caring Ukrainian bride. However Steve’s fiancee disappeared from his life unexpectedly, just like she entered it. The same thing happened to his friend who came with him to Lugansk for seeing his bride.

So, what was so horrible and what happened to both of them?

I told Steve’s story to the manager of my newly registered Lugansk branch of “oksanalove” agency. And I was even more surprised and confused when she told me not a legend and not a history, but a real thing that she witnessed. I won’t tell about all the details. I just gonna tell you about some facts that I found out there. So, Lugansk has few illegal fake agencies that work behind the closed doors. They don’t give any of their contact details; they do not provide clients with any trustworthy information, they don’t have advertisements. The pictures of their beautiful clients they put in different free internet sites. Many of their clients are married young women. They are not unfaithful to their husbands and do not look for a partner for creating a family. So, why do they address to the dating agency? The answer is simple and horrifying – is the money. This is it! The work of Lugansk beauties is also simple and does not really bother them. They just bring their photos to the agency and that’s all. The rest is the task for their agency. They decide on what web-site to put the newly came girl’s picture, they write letters to her trapped fiance and so on. As a rule they receive lots of letters from the foreign clients and the fiances (if I can say so) on the wings of love fly to Lugansk to see their beloved ones. Finally, the couples have a meeting and… confused fiances get a cold look of their Lugansk beauty instead of a sweet kiss. They loyally pay money for personal translator service, driver, apartment found by their baby-girls and stay alone with their dreams. At the meantime, their brides honestly get their “share” for every deal from their translator who works for the agency. Usually, the fake bride gets some per cent from the whole sum given by her fiance. And actually, her salary depends on how much generous her fiance is.

Well, this is a sad story about Lugansk’s beautiful women and their fake dating agencies. I take all the responsibility for the reliability of this information and it’s checked by myself. In two similar agencies that I attended as a fake client I got the whole information about how the agencies of such kind work and how their brides should work in their team. I told them that I’m married hiding the facts that could make them suspicious and disclose my intensions. As I told before, I will not describe all the details. However, it made me even the more striving for realizing my purpose. And now I’m gonna do everything for the creation of a real, legal and professional agency that could help any girl of Lugansk to find her man. The one she could give all her love, passion, tenderness, faithfulness and beauty.

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