5 Ways To Protect Your Children From Harm

Many parents are looking to earn work at home money to supplement their salaries or to be able to make ends meet. Work at home money is defined as money you earn from home. The internet provides opportunities to earn extra income from home but also poses dangers especially to children. How can you protect your children from harm if you decide to go in for work at home money? In this article we shall concentrate on income earned from the internet using an internet connection and computer.

Many children today know more about the internet than their parents. Even so they need protection from pornographic websites and predators who want to exploit their inexperience and innocence. Having an internet connection at home for your business will increase exposure of your children to the internet. Below are 5 ways to protect them from harm.

1. The first line of defense is letting your children know that there is a dark side to the internet. When young ones see you sitting at the computer every day working at your work at home money business, they may get the impression that the internet presents no danger, only opportunities. Talk to them about the dangers of chat rooms, social networking sites and bad people that may want to harm them.

2. Do not allow your children to access the computer in their bedroom. Have the computer in a busy area where you can monitor what your children are viewing. Choose times to promote your work at home money business carefully to allow children to access the computer when you are around.

3. Set guidelines on time to access the internet, the kind of sites to visit and how long your children will stay online. Discuss the guidelines with them and see that they are enforced. Explain why you have to stay longer online - that you are looking to earn a living from home.

4. Inform your young ones that you will be monitoring their online accounts and actually do so. Explain to them that the internet is a public podium which presents opportunities such as earning work at home money but also grave dangers.

5. Use programs such as pop up blockers to stop access to harmful material. You can allow pop ups later when you are working on your business.

The internet appeals to children because of the services offered such as e-mail, access to music and all sorts of pictures, access to information to do their home work and chat rooms. For adults it may be access to information or making extra cash online.

As you apply the above guidelines beware that that young ones get access to the internet using computers at school, mobile phones and by visiting internet cafes. Your work at home money business though presents an added danger. To generate income from a home based business, you will need to be online four to five hours a day, especially at the beginning. If you do not explain to your children glued at the computer every day, it may lead to the wrong conclusion. Letting your children know about your work at home money prospect is very important.

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