5 Ways To Impress Her Over Dinner

Most people don't realize how much weight a dinner date can actually hold. Think about it, for a minute. What might seem like a casual get together in your mind, is actually a mini-theater production. Whether you realize it or not, you are putting yourself on display for the person sitting opposite you. And, whether they realize it or not, they're absorbing tons of information about you.

Personally, I put a lot of stock in how a man behaves over dinner. And I'm not even referring to anything I mentioned in this article here. No, this is a completely separate function altogether. One I am not likely to forget, even if I don't remember it in my conscious mind. Today I'm going to make it easy for you. We'll address the subconscious stuff later. For now, let's go over the 5 basic behaviors that will make you look good in her eyes.

• Treat the Waitstaff Well

You don't need to give them a hug, but you should at least present a congenial demeanor. Don't rush through your order, give them a chance to write it down. Thank them when they bring your order, and thank them when they remove your plate. Unless the waiter is a surly beast of a person, I expect you to treat them kindly. No one wants to feel like they are on a date with a prat.

• Don't Treat the Waitstaff Too Well

In other words, if you're being served by a busty redhead you'd love to shag, I'd advise you do everything in your power to keep that to yourself. Your date will not be oblivious to the redhead's charms, and she will be hawking you to see whom you are more interested in. You will get *very* big points if you manage to keep your date feeling like she's the only woman in the room.

• Don't Ogle Your Date's Cleavage

This doesn't mean you can't look. And, if your date is wearing a plunging neckline, you can be relatively confident that she wants you to look. Dilemma, eh? Not really. The trick is looking while she's doing something else, and then letting yourself get caught averting your eyes. That lets her know you're attracted to her, but aren't tacky enough to openly stare.

• Don't Speak So Loudly the People at the Next Table Can Hear Your Conversation

I hate when people do this. I also hate having to ask someone to lower their voice. So what do you do? Do you suffer through an intolerably embarrassing meal with an entire restaurant giving you evil looks - or do you tell Mr. Mouth to shut it, and then suffer an uncomfortable silence for the rest of the night. If you're aware of your volume, it should come to neither.

• Tip

Unless the waitstaff did something heinous, you damned sure best be leaving them a tip. And it better be at least 15%. A Scrooge is not sexy. If you can't afford the 15% tip, you have no business being in that restaurant to begin with. Take your date somewhere you'll be able to afford the tip, lest you look like a stingy b*stard. There are other behaviors one should abide, but these are the basics. Unfortunately, many men care little or less about them. If they're already second nature to you, good man, you're well ahead of the game.

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