5 Tips For Attracting Men

Some women will do almost anything to attract the perfect guy, or even just someone who catches their fancy. But you don't have to make a spectacle of yourself to win him over. Here are some sure-fire tips for getting noticed.

1. Grab His Attention

The color red and black are all time fabulous choices when it comes to dresses or minis. The kind that really fires up a guy’s imagination even from a distance. Red is naughty while black is inviting discovery, denoting mystery and at the same time class. Off course your fashion sense for a certain event should be held in check, so wear the right get up for the right occasion! White, is a sign of purity and innocence so if you fit the bill you can wear that and still look alluringly harmless.

2. Stand Out from the Crowd - Speak Your Mind

Not all men are looking for a short-term relationship. Some are there looking for the perfect soul mate and companion. Guys like to have a good time and a great part of that shouldn’t be monotonous, silent, or boring communication. Show a guy what’s behind your head and you will get more attention than other members of your kind. Just don’t overdo it. Don’t beat the guys to often at their own mental debates or you end up alone no matter how attractive you may be.

3. Share Your Humor and Creativity

Be inventive. Guys like to have some pep in the conversation, so if you can interject some funny jokes, or some funny stories, it will help him to loosen up. Laughter is the perfect ice breaker and if guys perceive you as the not too serious type, then you may both end up with successful after date scenarios.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Yourself

No matter how you like a guy please don’t forget that you also have to look out for yourself. Are you going to enjoy his company all the time if you can’t even show your true colors? And besides guys will see behind a woman’s facade sooner or later.

5. A Little Affection Can Open Things Up

Some guys don’t know how to say it. If you start first maybe that will help him open up to tell you that he liked you...but he just didn’t know how to out it.

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