5 Hot Tips For Women To Attract Men

Out of the thousand ways for women to attract men it is usually the simplest and no-sweat characteristics, more than the subtle show of emotions or women's physical signals to attract men, that do the job in getting the best catch in the dating scene.

How to attract white men or any men in particular is just a matter of knowing what they generally love in women. You might be surprised to know that although looks count as one of the techniques to seduce a man, it is actually more than what's underneath your clothes that matters.

• Men love how women who can present themselves differently every time. Men are usually resigned to a single look everyday – all they can really do anyway is change their clothes, and that's it. Women have different techniques to seduce a man, through her chameleon-like appearance that can leave him weak in his knees.

It amazes men how their girlfriend can change her look from laid-back to spicy-hot in one day; be Ms. Homemaker by lunch, and Glamour queen by dinner time. It's the hair – the way it can smell like country pear for days, the way it can be up in a bun one minute then, raging with curls the next minute. So are those clothes, those killer heels, and the lovely scent a woman gives off that just make him want to eat her up.

• There are a lot of ways for women to attract men with just the sight of their body, no matter the size. It is the women's physical signals that attract men to their body. The sway of the hips, the feminine arch of her lower back, how her lips move, how her long legs look like in killer heels – these are all enough for a man to follow you with his gaze anywhere.

The male attraction to the female body is because of the instinct to reproduce – not just pure sex: long legs are a sign of fertility and youth, as well as rounded hips that are proportioned to a small waist. While round eyes bring out the protective instinct in men.

• Men love how a woman just knows how to attract white men, black men or just any man with her affection. They just love cuddling and snuggling with the gentlest creature God bestowed upon them. Women are tough, yet delicate. They can endure the pain of child birth, yet have a hard time lifting the sofa chair while house cleaning. A man loves it that a woman can make him feel needed at times, and always be there when he needs her but he's just too proud to admit it – a feeling booster that doesn't crash his ego.

• Men love how women seem to see the small things – the teeniest details that men usually miss. They make men see the world in a different perspective, even if lacking in logic. Women can cry over the silliest things yet make deep sense over it, and laugh endlessly over a serious matter without appearing rude.

• More than the physical and relational ways for women to attract men, these males just can't help but admire the woman's wisdom – which is part logic, part emotion. Though women may not be making the right decisions every time – and they know it – they stand by their decision like it's the truest fact there ever was.

There are so many ways for women to attract men even without them trying – ways that women may not be aware, because they're trying to attract men through something else.

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