5 Hidden Diet Traps

You really do try to watch what you eat. You skip the sweet treats, eat smaller portions, and exercise more. But you are increasingly frustrated you’re not losing weight.

Well, you are not alone. This is a very common problem. Many dieters try, over and over again, to lose weight, but eventually become so discouraged that they simply give up. Don’t let this happen to you. By understanding some of the common causes of diet failures, you can successfully lose weight.

1.Diets don’t take into account your own body, metabolism, habits and lifestyle. They provide a “one-size-fits-all” approach for everyone. One way to overcome this is develop a more personalized approach. A dietician or nutritionist can help. You can find one locally, or through the Internet. In addition to setting up an individualized diet plan, a dietician can become a coach or personal trainer, and help you stay on track.

2.Dieters are often discouraged by a lack of support from family or friends. Some people seem to be able to eat whatever they want without gaining weight. They bring tempting junk food into your home or workplace. They don’t understand your struggle. Talk to these people and try to get their help in removing the offending foods. Even the environment seems to work against you, with junk food advertisements everywhere, fast food restaurants on every corner, huge restaurant portions, and unhealthy snack machines. You must learn to control your environment as much as possible. Avoid places where you are tempted. Always carry a healthy snack (an apple or raisins, a few nuts, etc.) with you.

3. Many common foods contain hidden calories. Even foods you think are healthy; for example, fruit juices and many “low-fat” products still have a lot of calories. Did you know that a frappuccino coffee might have up to 600 calories? Keep an eye on these hidden sources of calories that may be sabotaging your diet.

4. Lack of persistence can also result in diet failure. If you become discouraged too quickly, or cheat too often, then you will not make much real progress. Don’t look for quick weight loss. It is much healthier to lose weight gradually. And it takes time. Don’t give up too soon.

5. Too many people lose weight and then gain it all back again when they return to their former eating habits. Don’t let that happen to you. Healthy weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight for life requires a commitment to changing your lifestyle. You must change the way you look at food. Find a diet and meal plan you can be comfortable with.

It all depends on finding the right diet plan for you. Doctors and nutritionists agree that there are several key elements in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. If you choose the right foods, limit calories using portion control, increase your exercise and activity level, and don’t give up, you CAN be successful and achieve a healthy weight for life.

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