5 Effective Ways For Women To Attract Men

We've already learned the top five ways for women to attract men and the techniques to seduce a man that go along with them. In continuation of the previous list, we take in some other tactics that every single woman must know in order for them to attract men like bees to honey.

• Be visible. Don't expect to meet a guy when all you do is stay at home or stare at the television all day. Those hotties on Prison Break can only do so much in keeping you company. Eventually, you have to get out into the world if you really want to find yourself real love.

Contrary to what we were made to believe that men are the ones who are supposed to be doing the searching and chasing, it is actually the women who initiate these by kicking their techniques to seduce a man into high gear – and men are just made to believe that they actually found us gems. So go out, hang out in the right places: coffee bars, restaurants, concerts or sport events, then let all those women's physical signals to attract men that you deliberately employ, work to your benefit.

• Know what you want. Visualize your ideal man: draw up what characteristics you would like him to have – list the negotiable and non-negotiable ones. Don't compromise, but be realistic about what you want. Knowing and visualizing your perfect partner pulls the right kind of men towards you.

• Show some wit and humor. These are definite [ways for women to attract men] in a snap. Men go crazy over women who know stuff more than just applying the right shade of concealer or celebrity gossips. But this doesn't mean that you have to have Einstein's IQ either – just hold your end of a conversation. So read, keep up on current affairs and broaden your perspectives.

But you don't have to be Ms. Know-it-all every single moment. A brain paired up with humor can definitely signal a perfect catch for guys. So lighten up once in a while and don't be shy to laugh out loud.

While you're at it, show interest in what he has to say too. Ask him questions, nod your head and maintain eye contact – basically any of those women's physical signals to attract men. But don't overdo it or else you will appear too eager. Your interest flatters the men and they love girls who appreciate their word. This is definitely one of the great ways for women to attract men.

• Be one of the boys. Although men are attracted to women who love being feminine, they also love it when women are not afraid to sweat and get some dirt on their hands once in a while. Don't be a stiff missy. Set a frisbee date along with his friends and don't turn down that invitation to the monster truck show next weekend. Men will surely love being with you.

• Leave something for the imagination. Don't reveal too much about yourself – either with personal information or your body. Always remember: a little goes a long way. Men easily lose interest when they feel like they know and have seen everything about you. Keep an air of mystery which will keep men crazy about knowing and seeing more of you.

Keeping yourself armed with all these ways for women to attract men, can give you a head start in the dating scene. You'll be surprised at how easy it is for you to actually connect with any man you fancy.

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