3 Effective Ways To Flirt With Girls - Make A Lasting Impression

When you meet a girl for the first time, you will want to leave a lasting expression with them. You don't want to go to all that work only to have them not know who you are in the end. So how can you effectively do that?

Make Eye Contact

When you look a woman in the eye, it lets them know that you are interested in not only her, but also with what she has to say. Women want to know that they are valued as a person. The only way that this will probably happen is to look her in the eye and listen to her.

Be Funny, But Be Respectful

This can be a hard balance, but if you don't know what she values as a person, you won't be able to make a joke that doesn't offend her. Take it slow and find natural ground that you and her can relate on, but that also makes you seem funny and smart.

Be Nice

Women want a nice guy, but also one that can take control when needed, in other words you are comfortable with who you are. This can be a hard balance to strike, but it can be done. Walk her to her car at the end of the night, if she is ok with that, or help her put on her coat. These are all ways that you can be kind to her and make a lasting impression as the nice but yet confident guy that she met.

There is often a misinterpretation of the nice guy. You know the saying, "Nice guys always come last", and in this interpretation the nice guy basically is insecure and will do anything the girl would like to do. So he lacks independence and confidence.

On the other hand there is the guy who is independent and confident with whom he is. Along with this he has manners and consideration for others. Remember that it takes much more of a man to care and have patience, being bad and not caring is easy and any jackass can do that. If you want to make a lasting impression be considerate and confident, not needy and dependent, then everything else will fall into place.

Guy's if you are serious about getting the girl of your dreams then you need to seriously work on solid techniques to achieve your goal. If you know what a girl is thinking it is far easier to approach her.

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