19 Craziest Wedding Ideas For Your Wedding

The happiest moment in anybody’s life is his or her wedding, where the bride and the groom are locked into the life of togetherness by the wedding band. Weddings are always fun filled if the planning is perfect. Planning for a wedding will take more time and efforts. These days, many people hire wedding planners to plan their weddings. These planners are expensive and you won’t have a personal touch during your wedding ceremony.

What can be more joyful other than watching your guests enjoying the wedding you have planned yourself? Always have a notebook and pen to note down your wedding plans and check the list often to know what you have to do next. Below are a few tips that will guide you to come out with unique wedding ideas to make your day more special:

1. Before you start thinking about the wedding ideas, determine what your budget will be. You and your groom have to sit together and finalize the maximum amount that you can afford to spend for your wedding. Wedding planning is all about purchasing and getting ready for the ceremony. Unless you know how much you will be able to spend, you cannot start planning for your wedding. You don’t want to be out of cash when you are about to start a new life.

2. The wedding location is the foremost thing that has to be planned. Based on your wedding location, you can determine the invitees and the theme for your wedding. If you plan well, you can arrange for an excellent wedding in your own backyard too. For a high budgeted wedding, you can plan for the ceremony to take place at any historical place. You will have the chance to explore a new place when you plan for a wedding in a different city.

3. Selecting the wedding theme is purely personal that you and your groom have to decide. More royal families like to arrange traditional weddings but if you both are young, you can go in for a tropical or country wedding theme that demand creative decorations, you can add more colors and flavors in an informal wedding.

4. Choose the design of the wedding invitation based on the theme of your wedding. You can find various unique designs and patterns when you search online. Cheap invitations are also available on the internet and you can save money with them. If you are not a designer but if you still want to design your unique wedding invitation, you can hire a graphic designer or a freelancer to get your invitation designed.

5. The wedding dress of the bride and the bridegroom is going to get maximum attention from the guests and you have to try to get the best possible designed outfit that fits your budget. You need to have some knowledge about the wedding dress and before you go for shopping, refer a few fashion magazines to get an idea about the different patterns. You can choose a designer to design your wedding gown. Purchasing online will let you browse through varied patterns and styles. You have to visit as many shops as possible to choose the best wedding attire.

6. Don’t forget to get the wedding dress for the bridesmaid too. You can take her along with you for purchasing a dress that fits her. Your bridesmaid is very special to you and you have to take more care when you purchase something for her.

7. After purchasing or ordering your wedding gown, you should start your search for the jewelry and accessories. If you are not fond of purchasing your own wedding jewelry, you can borrow it from your friend or you can hire it from many online websites. Infact, you get lots of beautiful wedding jewelry sets for hire these days, when you search on the internet. The jewelry you wear should match your wedding gown as well as with the theme of your wedding.

8. You should also purchase accessories like bags and shoes to wear on your wedding. These accessories should also match your entire wedding attire and should also match your wedding theme. You have to take care while choosing your accessories as they form an important part of your wedding attire.

9. The most important jewel of the wedding, the wedding ring deserves special attention. You have to choose the best ring for yourself and your groom as the wedding ring will always remain with you reminding about your love and commitment towards the relationship. Diamond engagement rings are very common and you can find a lot of designs when you purchase from online stores. Gold wedding rings will also do well, but try to choose a pattern that is not too delicate.

10. Your looks on the day of the wedding will be determined by your makeup. The decision is tough because you cannot choose something that made your friend look beautiful. The make up you wear should be very natural but should enhance your complexion and looks at the same time.

11. Choosing the appropriate hairstyle is a tough decision for any bride. Take a look at different fashion magazines to get an idea about the different hair styles. The hairstyle may be simple or complicated but the ultimate thing is, you have to look beautiful. Ask your beautician to try out different styles on you, before finalizing the suitable style.

12. Flowers have a lot of importance in weddings. You have to look for flowers for the bridal and bridesmaid bouquets, flower girls baskets and for other decoration. You can choose the traditional real flowers for making the bouquets, but these days, many people are ordering for bouquets that are made of silk. These bouquets made of silk cloth remain fresh forever and they can be reused for other festivals or parties too later on. The flowers you have on your wedding should match with the wedding theme. Choosing seasonal flowers will save you more money. You can find many websites that will guide you to make floral arrangements on your own. You can personalize the arrangements and make the day more romantic.

13. The wedding decorations are very important as they are only going to induce the fun mood in the guests. Even if you are on a tight budget, you can find simple inexpensive decoration ideas based on your wedding theme. Using lights and candles will add glow to your wedding location, if you have planned for a night wedding.

14. Wedding cakes marks the beginning of the love life of the couple. You have to be more creative and choosy when you select your wedding cake. Look for various designs and patterns of cakes in different magazines and try to arrive at a flavor that is liked by your partner. You can make a visit to your local confectionery and enquire about how much they charge. Wedding cake vendors generally charge more, but they provide professional wedding cakes matching the theme of your wedding.

15. Arranging for photographers and videographers are often difficult, when you plan for a wedding at a different place. Thanks to the internet, it enables you to hire a professional photographer, by searching online. It is always better to meet the photographer and explain to him what you really want. Experienced persons who assure professional photographs charge more and in that case, you can arrange them for taking photos of the most important events. Then you can ask one of your friends to take the photographs of the remaining celebrations with your digital camera.

16. No wedding can be joyous without music and entertainment. You can arrange for other sorts of entertainment like puppet shows and magic shows, if you have invited lots of kids for your wedding. Music is essential for your wedding and the dancing time will be the most romantic time during your wedding. If you are on a very tight budget, you can record all the songs in a CD and play it on the day of your wedding. Otherwise, you can arrange for musicians and bands to play in your wedding reception.

17. Wedding vows are a means for expressing your love for your fiance in front of the guests. You will be married by your wedding official and he will declare you as husband and wife right from the auspicious moment. You can write your wedding vows and read them at the time of your wedding to have a more personalized wedding. If you are marrying in a place of worship, then you have to get the permission of the official to read your own vows.

18. Buying wedding gifts for your guests and relatives should not be omitted when you plan for your wedding. Create a wish list for yourself that will contain the list of items you love. Your guests will also love this list, as they don’t have to brainstorm for getting a unique gift for you.

19. Wedding lunch or dinner is an important part of your wedding, which will satisfy your guests. You have to arrange the food based on the theme of your wedding. If you follow a traditional wedding, then you can go for traditional menus. For themed weddings, you are free to explore new menus.

While you plan for your wedding, you should plan for your honeymoon too. Choose a more romantic location and if you both like seas, then go for a Caribbean honeymoon. There are lots of places in this world that can offer you the most romantic honeymoon and the choice depends on your budget. You have to make the tickets and hotel reservations ready for your honeymoon before your wedding to avoid tensions at the last moment because honeymoon is the time for the couple to enjoy. If you have sufficient time before your wedding, then you can plan your wedding yourself.

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