10 Ways To Keep Fit At Work

1. Start the day well

If you drive to work park in the furthest corner of the car park. If you get the bus, get off a stop early and walk a bit further. Even small changes like this can make a big difference. And if you walk for 10 minutes three times a day most days, it's enough to qualify you as a regular exerciser!

2. Go for a brisk walk at lunchtime

A 30 minute walk after a meal will cut the amount of fat you store by using it to fuel your exercise. Walking is also very good for your heart and lungs and it works the muscles of the lower body. But you need to put some effort in - if you aren't feeling sweaty then you'll need to walk a bit faster! Give yourself a goal, even if it's only 10 minutes on the first day. Push yourself a little further each week.

3. Shift yourself!

Do you email workmates who sit near you? Then go and talk to them instead! Do you sit back while your colleagues make the tea? Make it yourself! These small changes can make a huge difference to your overall daily activity. They could also make you better at your job. Face-to-face conversations are a far better way to communicate than email.

4. Write a reminder

Changing your routine can be difficult at first, so writing notes for yourself is a good way to remind you that you're trying something different. Sitting still for hours on end is very bad for your circulation and can increase your chances of getting DVT (deep vein thrombosis). The best way to avoid this is to move around. That doesn't mean constantly walking around - you'd never get any work done! But try standing up when you're talking on the phone or rotate your ankles under the desk.

5. Breathe properly

Practising deep, controlled breathing can help you lose weight because you have to exert a lot of pressure on the muscles around your middle, especially the diaphragm. Don't know where your diaphragm is? Cough and you'll feel your diaphragm push out. Hold your hand over it. If you're breathing properly you should feel it move in and out as you breathe. Deep, steady breathing will also help you stay more alert.

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