10 Tips On How To Seduce A Man

I am writing this article in spite of endangering myself of being penalized by other men for disclosing our weaknesses and leaving us defenseless. I am already hearing the shouting and seeing the torches being lit in front of my house.

On the other hand, maybe they will celebrate me, because most men want to be seduced. They pray for it. Like Jason Biggs said in American Pie: “Oh my God, she used me. I was used. I was used! Cool!”

Dear Gals, you want to seduce a man and you don’t know how to? Fear not. Help is on the way, for I write this article on ways how to seduce a man only for you. Like I did in my groundbreaking article how to approach a man, I thought about things I would fall for (and have been fallen for) and additionally asked Brigitte (the man-eater) for her main techniques.

I realize that there are two common situations here: you want to seduce your man, or you want to seduce any man. Either way, the principles are the same. It really comes down to hitting that “hidden switch” that turns the man on. Unfortunately this specific switch is different to every man. Sometimes it is not even related to physicalness. It can be a word, an image in his head, an expectation. On other times you can trigger it with an simple smile, a lascivious look, a seemingly coincidental touch.

It is your job to find and explore this “secret switch” on your man.

This article will help you not only to find this hidden turn-on, but will also give you some ideas how you can win the man you want.

My male readers will discover that several of these techniques can be used to seduce a woman as well. Surprise surprise. Maybe we’re not that different after all.

So read on, here are the 10 ways how to seduce a man (use it cautiously, because with great power comes great responsibility and we men are sooo weak):

1. Choose The Battle-Field Well

Believe me, the “where” is very crucial to your success. Choosing a Sports-Bar with the Superbowl on may not be crowned with success. A private dinner with the appropriate romantic ambiance on the other hand will give you the best chances.

Choose places where you can minimize distractions (and ideally competition). You must have his complete attention.

Besides, the proper surrounding can be very stimulative. Never underestimate the power of candlelight and the adequate soft music.

2. The Power Of Scent

“The scent is one of the most powerful subconscious influences that affect our judgments”

In a survey 89 % of the men revealed that the scent can enhance the attractiveness of a women. 55 % of those polled men went a little further and admitted that they would get amorous with a women just because of her appealing scent.

Do you believe that? You’d better do! Everybody who has seen or read “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer” would know what I’m taking about.

The scent is one of the most powerful subconscious influences that affect our judgments about the other sex. The way you scent is a vital factor of your success in seduction. You can compare it to pheromones in the animal world.

A woman can enhance her natural pheromones by using aromatherapy oils like sandalwood, rose, ylang ylang, jasmine and patchouli. They are known for their aphrodisiac properties.

Shakespeare wrote, that Cleopatra received Marc Anthony on a ship with perfumed sails. The exotic scent made him fall in love with her immediately. Even that hopelessly that he gave his life for her.

Use a perfume that you like but be careful not to overdo it. Use it sparingly and apply it to your body’s so called pulse points: wrists, behind your ears, in the bend of your elbow, behind your knees and on the inside of your ankles. You can also try to spray the perfume in the air in front of you and walk into the mist.

Make your perfume a recognizable part of you. Make your scent imprinted in his mind.

3. Show A Little, But Hide A Little More

There is a way how to dress that drives men crazy. And I certainly don’t mean going slutty. This is a turn-off for most men.

You need to find a compromise between showing and hiding your womanly qualities. It’s the right combination that makes the secret. I like women, who enhance certain body regions without actually showing anything. Steer clear of the obvious. It is very important that you actually feel sexy. And don’t forget some killer-lingerie and sexy accessories like bracelets and necklaces.

4. Be Super-Confident

Have the confidence of a super-model. Be a woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. Do you know how to do this?

But be aware: there is also a thin red line, if you overdo it, you will most likely look arrogant instead of confident. You don’t want that. Nobody likes arrogance.

You can start with renewing yourself, get a complete fresh-up: a new haircut, clothes, start loosing weight. Never underestimate what a new haircut can do to you. Also watch your posture: keep a straight back and your shoulders backwards, expose your chest. Do everything that makes your confidence boost. Men are very impressed by confidence.

5. Send Signs Of Interest

Now it’s time to spread a little hope that the man have actually a chance on you. Send him little signs of interest from time to time that make him come forward:

• Show unclenched hands

• Play with your hair or caress other objects. Push your fingers through your hair
• Pick some fluff of his jacket (even if there is none!)
• Face him directly and slightly lean forward every now and then

• Wet and bite your lips from time to time

Here again: do not overdo it!

Experienced men can read these signs, the unexperienced, well, they feel that something’s going on.

6. The Magic of Anticipation

Now, here’s a good one. This is a variation of “play hard to get”, which by the way is a very doubtful thing. If overdone it will harm you more than being of use. Instead, play a little game called “anticipation”.

Anticipation, excitement, and tension can be a huge turn-on for a man. Delay the gratification. Make two steps forward, one step back. Create a strong feeling of dissatisfaction in him. A dissatisfaction which can only be resolved by having you. It must never seem to be easy for him.

“Make two steps forward, one step back”

Contradict Yourself! Use the before mentioned signs of interest, then suddenly show disinterest, ignore him for two minutes. Then start again. Two steps forward, one step back.

7. Killing Eyes - The French Technique

Start with almost accidentally sidelong glances. You can follow up with a direct look. Now something starts what can be described as playful innocence (someone once said to me that the French girls invented that): The moment he looks back you instantly lower your eyes and put on an embarrassed smile. You can even emphasize that some moments later by looking again, this time longer and then again lower your eyes.

This is flirting without talking (we can learn a lot from the French, when it comes to lovemaking).

8. Touch Him “Accidentally”

When you reach for something, try to accidentally touch his hand. Don’t make it too obvious. Also touch him briefly during the conversation to make a point or when he just made an interesting remark about something.

The secret is being playful with casually touches now and then. This creates tension and also a physical connection. And more importantly: it subconsciously communicates that you’re not interested in “only being friends”.

9. The Power Of Erotic Dancing

This one is short and simple: learn how to dance in an erotic way and look for an opportunity for him to see. Don’t underestimate the power of this.

Most women love to express themselves on the dancefloor. Why not learning it and doing it the right way? There are courses on this, or just go to a club, watch and learn.

This is very powerful.

10. The Secret Ingredient

Now, there is a final ingredient to a successful seduction of a man: He must not feel seduced. He must think that he seduced you, not the other way around. Give him his victory, let him be the hero. Men like that. It gives them a feeling of security.

Why not taking advantage of that, if you get what you want!


Some other useful tips in short:

• Be mysterious and playful

• Awake the explorer in him
• Let him do most of the talking
• Flirt intensively with 90 % body-language and only 10 % with words
• Contradict yourself, confuse him
• Try to make an all-senses-explosion: looks, taste, music, touch, scent

• Take care never to appear too needy

As we all know, Jason Biggs from “American Pie” was seduced the easy way, with not much effort (who wonders?), as opposed to you, who now will master the art of seduction the sublime way and get any man you want. Well, almost any.

Happy hunting!

Your friend,

Eddie Corbano

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