10 Realistic Weight Loss Tips

1. Drink lots of water. Water is good for you, and it helps you to stay full longer. This rewards you with “natural” appetite control. Drink a glass of water before and after each meal.

2. Stay busy. When you are busy you won’t really think about food until your body actually requires food. Often, we overeat simply because we are bored.

3. Really think about everything that you put into your mouth. Is this “on your diet?” Is there a better food choice that you can make? Write down what you eat each day for a week. What you see on that list at the end of the week may surprise you. Start replacing those bad foods that you eat all of the time with better, healthier selections.

4. Don’t expect to lose the weight in a few weeks time. Putting on weight takes time-taking it off takes more time. Often, if people don’t see the unrealistic results that they expect, they throw in the towel and end up gaining even more weight in the process.

5. Fill your refrigerator, freezer, and cupboards with quick and easy foods that are suitable for your diet. When we are really hungry, we want something quick to eat. Unfortunately, when we grab something “quick”, it usually isn’t something that will help us to stay on track with our weight loss program.

6. Plan your meals. When we eat on the fly, we usually don’t eat right. Plan your meals in advance to avoid this. When you wake up in the morning you should already know everything that will be going into your mouth for the next 24 hours.

7. Eat often. Three meals a day isn’t enough! We are busy people with active lives. Most experts now agree that eating six smaller meals is better than eating three large ones. Just make sure that you are staying within the guidelines of your chosen weight loss program.

8. Measure your results. There are those who will tell you not to weigh, and this may be good advice for some people, but most people want to know that their efforts are paying off. This is what keeps us motivated. Of course, weighing and measuring too often can also be disappointing. Once a week weigh-ins are great. Weigh and measure in the morning, naked or wearing the same clothing as the previous week, before you eat.

9. Allow your body time to adjust. Starting a weight loss program isn’t really hard. Sticking with it is. During the first few days your body may be undergoing some withdrawals. Recognize it for what it is and ride it out with the assurance that it will pass.

10. Exercise as much as possible. Exercise not only helps you to burn more calories, you will find that you don’t eat nearly as much if you exercise before you eat.

Finally, remember that changes in your eating habits should be life long. This is how weight loss is achieved and maintained. Also remember that any weight loss program will help you lose even more if you exercise.

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